This is the furthest I’ve cycled to a chippy, that’s for sure. A sixty two mile round trip through winding country lanes, apart from crossing the A5. I seem to be crossing the A5 an awful lot recently.
The chip shop is only open from 16:30. It felt odd setting out for my chippy tea at 13:30 to give myself time to get there. I arrived in plenty of time and waited for the shop to open.
The shop itself is an interesting piece of architecture; a square shaped building sandwiched between houses. I’ll admit, its remarkable look was something that drew me there.
Once inside I ordered cod, chips and peas. They were cooking everything fresh. A few minutes wait and I was sat on a bench conveniently situated on the green opposite the shop.
The chips were chunky from new potatoes. They were fluffy inside and delicious. The batter on the cod was a bit on the thick side but it was nice and crisp. The mushy peas were the star of the show. Un-dyed, with that home made quality.
Mindful of the thirty one mile journey home I reluctantly decided not to eat all of the generous portion.
Ratings out of 5:
Fish: 4
Chips: 4
Mushy Peas: 5
Shop and Service: 5
Over all: 4
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