Kedleston Fish Bar, Derby

Visited on 20/2/2014

To celebrate National Chip Week one of the Fiends went to try out the Kedleston Fish Bar in Derby.

We recommend that you try it too.

Fiend went for a large haddock and small chips coming to a reasonable £5.90.

The haddock was amongst the finest ever sampled. Perfectly steamed inside a thin layer of batter, it literally fell apart in large, fresh chunks. Delicious.

The chunky, dark-gold chips were very good too.

If you want to stick around there are 2 tables inside and 2 outside. This is a clean, modern chippy with a nice attention to detail. The staff wear 'Kedleston Fish Bar' aprons, and a sign on the counter stated that the fish was fresh in today and sourced from Iceland. 

They also do a mini fish and chip meal deal with sauce for £4.40 which sounds good VFM.

Other items on the menu:
Home made fish cakes £1.20

Fish Gougons 2 for £1.10
Cod roe £1.20
Battered mushrooms £1.50
Fresh fish butty £1.90

They serve salads too should that be your bent...

Ratings out of 5:
Chips: 5
Fish: 5
Shop/service: 5
Over all: 5
